Modulos AG announces participation in the U.S. Department of Commerce Consortium

Modulos AG is joining the Commerce Consortium as a leading AI stakeholder to help advance the development and deployment of safe, trustworthy AI under the new U.S. Government AI Safety Institute

Zurich, Switzerland – April 5, 2024 – Modulos AG announced that it joined the Department of Commerce initiative to support the development and deployment of trustworthy and safe AI. Established by the Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) on February 8, 2024, the U.S. AI Safety Institute Consortium (AISIC) brings together AI creators and users, academics, government and industry researchers, and civil society organizations to meet this mission.

Modulos AG is proud to join the U.S. AI Safety Institute Consortium. Our participation underscores our dedication to advancing the development and deployment of AI systems that are not only technologically advanced but also ethically sound and governed by the highest standards of safety and responsibility. We believe that through collaborative efforts with AISIC, we can set a global benchmark for AI that prioritizes trustworthiness, security, and the well-being of society. Our aim is to leverage this platform to share our insights on responsible AI governance, which is essential for ensuring the beneficial impact of AI technologies on society.

Kevin Schawinski, CEO and Co-founder  of Modulos AG 

The consortium includes leading companies and organizations that are on the frontlines of developing and using AI systems, as well as the civil society and academic teams that are building the foundational understanding of how AI can and will transform our society. These entities represent the nation’s largest companies and its innovative startups; creators of the world’s most advanced AI systems and hardware; key members of civil society and the academic community; and representatives of professions with deep engagement in AI’s use today. The consortium also includes state and local governments, as well as non-profits. The consortium will also work with organizations from like-minded nations that have a key role to play in setting interoperable and effective safety around the world.

The full list of consortium participants is available here.

About Modulos

Modulos AG, founded in 2018 and headquartered in Switzerland, stands at the forefront of AI technology. The company specializes in helping organizations govern AI products and services responsibly within regulated environments. The Modulos AI Governance platform empowers businesses to enact responsible AI governance policies, while simultaneously streamlining compliance through industry best practices.